Sunday, March 2, 2008

Part Nine: Heartfelt Moments

"Go, you're acting like a punk" Stephanie whispered, angrily pushing Jacob to the door. The finally reached up to the house, the house seemed like it was covered with moss and dust. Jacob was afraid to even take a deep breath because of the all accumulated dust and moss. He knocked on the door and they began hearing shuffling against the creaking floorboards. The doorknob began to turn and they heard small voices inside. The door flew open, a man was standing there with plaid pants, a lumberjack shirt, and fuzzy blue slippers. His eyebrows were thick with anger and he face had no emotional expression.
"Mr.Lippmann, we have a problem and we came to talk to you" Ellie said, in a pleasant voice. Before Arnold could answer a grey cat sprang out of the door and began running down the road. "Damn cat, he'll come back anyways. Now, I hope you kids ain't here to talk about puberty and stuff like that because I don't do that crap anymore" Arnold's voice was deep and rusty like dry oil on a motor, he had a full set of hair on his had and his beard was neatly shave. His green eyes had a coldness in them, when he frown you can see the crease of happiness around his mouth and under his small eyes. He never smiled before, he always had straight white lip or just a frown. "No, sir we was wondering if you knew about Connor. Connor Brooks." Kathleen said, wincing a few times. "You mean there is another Brooks. What in the hell is going on in today's society?These are the reasons why I moved up here," Arnold mumbled. "You kids can come on inside".

They walked into the small cottage, inside it smelled like Pine Sol, reminding Ellie of camp when they had bunk inspections. The fire was crackling and was setting a dim light in the small, cramped place. Arnold came back with a tray full with 5 mugs. Jacob took a sip, "What is this?" He asked. "Bugs, dirt, mint leafs, and herbal plants. All boiled together in one pot, they bugs are good for the protein and the rest is to give it flavor" Arnold responded. Everyone spit out the substance , except Arnold. "Do have anything normal drink? Like green tea, coffee, orange juice" Stephanie asked, feeling like a bum. "Like I said a million times before. I don't do any of that crap I used to do. You either go home and watch celebrities turned to full fledged alcoholics or shut that damn trap of yours and drink your lumberjack tea" Arnold said, angrily his eyebrows furrowing with anger. Stephanie quickly picked up the mug and gulped down her drink, she stayed quiet for the rest of the time.

Arnold eyebrows furrowed, but he wasn't angry. He was thinking. They were waiting. Jacob took out his cellphone and began to text message the others, "There isn't any service here, son" Arnold warned him. Jacob put the cellphone back into his pocket. "I don't know how to really tell you kids this, in a civilized way. This isn't the first time someone has come to about Connor Brooks. Connor isn't the type of what I called the perfect ripe apple from the tree he's more like the rotten apple who splatted onto the ground and spreads the rottenness around the world," Arnold began. Everyone looked at him weirdly as he tried to explain.

"Connor grew up with a family of weirdos and anger problems. His father was known around the city, he was the lawyer of an infamous crime that shocked the nation, the mass murder of 20 people all in one day. His father won the case, but after that case his life dramatically change. The gruesome images and the mind of the mass murderer replayed in his mind, he couldn't sleep, he couldn't think. He just blew up, he gone crazy. Abraham Brooks, was his name, he began drinking more often, he hit his children and his wife. That abuser soon ran out of the city leaving a legacy behind. But later he returned in the New York Times they said he raped a woman. But he stayed with the woman, to take care of the baby. Connor was born that time, in 1992. Then Abraham left the woman behind, no one heard from him again. But as a child, Abraham would abuse Connor. Like father, like son, Connor was caught up in a mix up too. He was charged with battery assault, for abusing his girlfriend. Nowadays, I'm hearing that he begins to sing and dance out of the blue. That is his way of controlling his anger, they taught him that in anger management class. I wish the kid could just find someone to cry a shoulder on, I'm sorry if you're getting a heartfelt moment" Arnold apologized. Everyone in the room was tearing up in the room.

E-Mail Conversation:
EllieChic:I guess that is why people say don't judge a book by its cover
KittyKat: That was depressing
Miss.StephanieCornell: I wish I hadn't said what I said before about him
DJJacob: I wish you hadn't said a thing when we were there.
Miss.StephanieCornell: Shut up Jacob! At least I'm not the one who is always asking for more.
DJJacob: What are you talking about? I never asked for more about anything.
EllieChic: Jacob, just forget about it. Lets just go to bed.
[EllieChic logs off]
[KittyKat logs off]
[Miss.StephanieCornell logs off]
[DJJacob logs off]

"Ellie, do you know what Stephanie was talking about how I always ask for more?" Jacob asked. They were already in bed and Ellie head was rested against her own pillow. "No, I don't have clue about what she was talking about" Ellie lied. "I had a strange feeling that she was talking about when the time we did it. You didn't perhaps, you know, told them about our secret moment. While I was in the shower" Jacob asked, turning to her. Ellie moved up closer to him, "I'll just tell the truth. Jacob, I did told them but I didn't mean to me. I mean, I was too overwhelmed and it felt as if I was drugged or something" She was staring at him waiting for a word to come out of his mouth. "Ellie, would we you do that? You know that was our private moment, a moment we should only keep to ourselves. It was time when we experienced it for the first time and the time we expressed our true feelings for each other" Jacob stated, placing his hands on her stomach. "But I wasn't thinking. It wasn't like I had someone who told me about their experience doing it and told me the guidelines and rules of it" She pointed out. His finger crawled up undershirt, she felt his fingers but she didn't remove it. He smiled at her, she knew he had forgiven her. Then she climbed on top of him and pulled up the covers.

"I think I should call Connor" Kathleen said. The television was blaring and the girls sat together eating potato chips and searching for anything that is entertaining and maybe a little bit of stupidity . That show for them was Saturday Night Live. Stephanie began to laugh as she watched Seth Meyers and Amy Poehler speak in German on Weekend Update. "He is CRAZY. Why do you want to see him so badly?" Stephanie asked, forcing some more potato chips in her mouth. "I'm just worried about him that's all" Kathleen stated. "What can I do to get your mind off him?" Stephanie asked, looking at her. "There isn't a thing you can do can get my mind off of him" Kathleen teased. Stephanie kissed Kathleen and they began making out. Stephanie pulled away, "What did I tell you?". "I can't beileve what just happened" Kathleen said. She pulled Stephanie close to her again and kissed her back.


Unknown said...

aw..the suspense..continues & I see things heat up with Steph & Kat...hmmmm...I'm just a wee bit lost on the Connor storyline, but thats probably my fault.

Ok, keep writing, but you know, don't over do it. Get some sleep, some time.

Unknown said...

hey, I linked you to my diaryland blog. hope you don't mind.