Saturday, February 23, 2008

Part Three: Color War Dreams & Locked Lips

"Apache and Cherokee, you can go to the dining hall!" Lenore exclaimed. The rain was pouring and there was a flood of colored ponchos and wet sweatshirts. Ellie trudged behind the single filed line only listening the small peebles vibrate under the soles as the walked down the curved road into the dining hall. Ellie sat with the three other kids and the counselor, David, who were waiting to say the evening prayers. "Stand up please to say the evening prayers" Lenore stated. As the said the evening prayers mouthed the words watching to see what the others were saying "Hardy appetite " Lenore said. Everyone sat on the wooden benches and waited for kitchen helpers to come out with tonight's dinner of meatloaf and mash potatoes. Ellie watched Joisah across at the other table next to her, he was already biting into the meatloaf and all the girls in the room was watching him eat and sighed heavily as he took another bite. The girls didn't care if Ellie was his girlfriend they can still capture his heart anyway, with any evil plan just to plung their realtionship into a toilet. After dinner, everyone remained in their seats and all eyes were on Lenore as she stood in the middle of the room. Night had already fallen and the crickets were chipping in the background. "Tonight, is Color War ," Lenore said, projecting her voice. Everyone in the room began bang on the tables and was roaring, Ellie could feel the antcipation as well as the chills running through her body as the cool air blew through the opened windows. "Alright settle down, now you guys will be split up as well as two bunks will be losing at least two of their campers, so when I read of each camper name of that bunk, clap two times" Lenore continued. After each camper name was read and the bunks were splitted up the groups went off on their own, Ellie was on team DC.
E-Mail Conversation:
EllieChic: Oh God, why can't the days just go by quickly?
KittyKat: Because I'm not God!
EllieChic: Did you lose your sense of sarcasm?
KittyKat: Actually, yes I did. You won't beileve what happened today?
EllieChic: What happened? Some ate all your low fat sugar cookies, AGAIN?
KittyKat: No! But you know that was my favorite cookies! Moving on, she brought me a purity ring.
EllieChic: So, what is your point? What do you want me to say? Congrats? Bon Voyage?
KittyKat: Ellie, don't you even know what a purity ring is?
EllieChic: Uh, sure I do! Alright, I don't know what it is, just please explain it to me so you can kill time with these concited girls.
KittyKat: I'll be glad to! To put this whole purity ring thing down, it's me, basically, keeping a promise to God that I would stay pure until I get married.
EllieChic: I wish you made that explaination a bit longer. Besides, didn't you get that definition from those guys you like, what's there name again, oh yeah those Jonas Brothers or JB whatever you call them.
[Miss.StephanieCornell logs on]
Miss.StpehanieCornell: Hey girls, what are you talking about?
EllieChic: Stephanie Cornell?
KittyKat: Oh, hey Steph. How's life going?
EllieChic: Kat, are you speaking to her?
Miss.StephanieCornell: I'm doing okay, thanks for asking!
EllieChic: Am I even here! Can anyone see that I'm talking here!
KittyKat: Sorry Ellie, Steph and I was just having our moments.
Miss.StephanieCornell: Yeah, sorry Ellie for making you feel like an outcast
KittyKat: Watch it Ellie!
Miss.StpehanieCornell: Um, it seems like Little Miss. Temper Tantrum over there, is turning into jelly
EllieChic: I am not turning jealous!Or even into jelly! You're just using Kat, she's you're little decoy.
KittyKat: Shut up Ellie, because that is not ture! Stephanie said that she was sorry and that I wasn't her decoy, her friends pushed her into making me do all their work. So just shut the hell up Ellie, just shut up.
EllieChic: You know what Kat, I hope you and you're friend here have a good life together, but don't come back crying to me when things go wrong, because what you're saying to me seems like she is the type of friend who is always going to be there for you through thick and thin. Good luck in life Kathleen.
[EllieChic logs off]
KittyKat: Does this mean we are through as friends?
[KittyKat logs off]
[Miss.StephanieCornell logs off]

"So you and Ellie aren't friends, huh?" Jacob asked, squniting eyes as he looked up at the sun. Jacob and Kathleen was in the cooling tent playing video games with the television blaring as Jacob layed across the ground staring out at the sun which was peeking through the tent. "I guess so, she hasn't e-mail me in 2 days" Kathleen stated. She was sitting in the corner, she brought her knees up to her chin and looked sadly at Jacob who looked as if he was in daydream mode. "She is so not your friend anymore, if I was her, I would've down the same thing. Minusing the curse words, I just wanted to say that" Jacob smiled, grabbing a can of RedBull. He turned off the video game and turned on the cable. "I guess I did deserved that after saying hell like two times" Kathleen said sulking. "Come on Kat, don't beat your self down like that you've got me" Jacob said, handing her a RedBull. "I know that, but your a guy, how can I talk about my boy problems, actually, my girl problems with a guy. You would be grossed out, I guarantee that 100%" Kathleen stated slowly drinking the cold RedBull. "You can picture me as a girl, only without breasts and some special organs" Jacob joked. Kathleen laughed at him and RedBull came out of her mouth, Jacob helped but to turn red when he saw the RedBull come out her mouth. "I'm sorry about that" "No, it's okay Kat, it's pretty much normal" He handed her a napkin, she looked up into his eyes. She saw something in his eyes and saw something she never saw before, the next thing she knew she had kissed Jacob on the lips and Stephanie came in as she looked in shock of what Jacob and Kathleen was doing. They quickly parted.
Ellie had no explaination of why she wanted a cigarette when she never smoken before, but somehow she still wanted one, regardless. She left her bunk and pretended as if she was going to the bathroom when she was really going to meet Joisah at the big rock tonight. The other counselors who were on duty didn't saw her hiding behind the big rock as she waited for Joisah to come. Soon she saw Joisah dodging passed the volleyball net and running towards Ellie. "Sorry I was late, my bunk counselor was questioning me about where I was going, and I got the nerve to confess to him and told that I was going to meet you out here" Joisah explained, out of breath. "Wow, that is amazing" Ellie said without any excitment. "Is something wrong?" "No, not really it's just that I'm missing someone at the moment" "It's your guy friend, isn't it?" "Yeah Josiah, it's him, I think I just might be in love with him, but I think he isn't in love with me" Ellie confessed, looking down at the ground. Joisah lifted her chin up and kissed her on the lips. "It's okay Ellie, I hope we can still be friends?" Joisah stated, parting away from her. "Yeah, we can still be friends. Goodnight Joisah" Ellie reonciled. He waved goodbye to her and dodged pass tthe counselor. Ellie went back to the bunk where she saw the girls sucrried back to their beds, "I'm sorry what happen between you and Joisah, but tell me how was it like when Joisah kiss you?" one of girls aksed. "Yeah what was it like ?" the girls whispered in unison. "It was like fairy tale, like a prince sweeping you off your feet at a random moment" Ellie said sleeply. Shortly after Ellie was sound asleep, with the girls still whispering about how it would be like if Joisah kiss them.